death to hollywood its gone too far: the casting crisis

after I watched Zero Dark Thirty, starring jessica chastain as the strong smart independent gutsy g-woman (WHO DOESN’T FUCKING EXIST, IT’S A “COMPOSITE” CHARACTER), i looked uDODOD DHAHAD BBEPEPEOODOVOp the failed bin laden raid under W bush and thought: man i’d like to see a movie about THAT.

a couple months later i find its actually being made. starring chris hemsworth. im sick of these fucking bland aussies. who the fuck thought jai courtney would be a good anybody? the hemsworths, oh thank you chris for starring in fucking cgi marvel flicks, and for your faggy brother to be in whatever 2nd rate shit hes in. jason clarke as john connor and JAI COURTNEY as KYLE FUKIN REECE in the same disgusting terminator abortion


(also starring that dragon lady from game of thrones as a fucking pudgy, weakling sarah connor, YOU PUT LINDA HAMILITON TO SHAME). of course arnold was in it too, really pathetic, youre fucking old arnold, fuck off for god sake

i didnt know ben memdelson was an aussie, but he’s from a different generation and only plays chumpy side characters (see Heat and TDKR)

THEY just dont make em like they used to…


IM not going to finish this garbage
what the fuk was the humming and why did it ust stop


about incest in japanese culture

“From what I’ve seen, yes incest is more prevalent in Japan.

Japanese have clubs like Kinshinsokan Monogatari… Basically having sex with your mother fetish clubs. I have seen these clubs all over Tokyo. The prevalence of such clubs would be inconceivable in many Western countries.

It is not to say that every Japanese guy has sex with his mother. No, that is not the case. It is to say that the conditions and the opportunity for incest to happen is greater in Japan, than in many other countries.

The concept from which these clubs come from are ingrained in Japanese culture, where the Japanese mother sexually satisfies her son.

There are multiple factors and reasons for this, that differ greatly from Western culture.

1. Japanese mothers are well known to play with the penis of their son’s. Via hand manipulation or with her mouth. This is a quasi-cultural custom that many Western countries don’t have and don’t know about.

It can be done jokingly to see the baby boy or boy get an erection, as play (a higher form of tickling), or even as a reward mechanism (for some task or thing he did well).

2. Japan had the system of exam hell, where you must score well on your college entrance exams to get into a good college. So some mothers would sexually satisfy their sons, so that they could focus on school and not girl chasing.

The performance on these exams, could be the direction of where you life is going. It was extremely important to many Japanese families to have their sons do very well. There is less pressure now, because due to the economy, college entrance requirements are lower.

Some Japanese mothers would consider it her duty to “sacrifice her body”, so that her son would be sexually satisfied and could focus on his studies.

3. Absentee Japanese fathers, who stay away from and at work too much, which created situations where their wife wants sexual satisfaction and are tempted by their son.

This is compounded by the “shy”, withdrawn, and at times anti-social element of Japanese culture.

The wife and mother would not or could not find a lover or sex-friend outside the house, however she could be highly sexually frustrated. Combined with a high hormone and sexually interested son… 1 + 1 = 2.

4. There are mothers who would actually use sex as a form of control over her son.

There is the “carrot or the stick”. Many Westerns think only in terms of using the stick, belt, or various forms of punishment. However, there are Japanese mothers that decided to use the “honey pot” to get there boy doing what they want or to behave.

5. The relationship that Japanese boys can have with their mother, is not necessarily in the same context as Western ones.

In Western cultures, there is more anti-sex issues because of religion and more pushing the boys to be more macho, and even violent. Being a momma boy is seen as uncool and scorned more in the West.

You have less of that in Japanese culture, so you can get boys with stronger “momma boy” complexes and stronger attachment to their mother. Such overly strong attachments to the mother can become sexual, and especially if there is anything to “tip the scale”, like an absentee father or sexually frustrated mother that doesn’t want to go outside the house.”

instructions for the “spicy alex” safeway sandwich

step 1: go to safeway with some money

step 2: if they dont have the siracha sauce it wont work and you should just get a toasted pesto sandwich instead

step 3: the spicy alex uses standard hoagie roll, with sriracha sauce spread onto both top and bottom

step4: the bread should then be toasted, so the sauce mates with the bread

step 5: layer turkey and bell pepper slices onto the bread, with some more siracha sauce on each layer (tomato and lettuce should also be layered if you arent a picky eater baby)

step 6: pay for sandwich and get lots of napkins incase thigns get SAUCEY

step 7: god damn i want one i miss them so much

“Today Americans would be outraged if U. N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”

-Henry Kissinger at 5/21/92 Bilderberg Conference in Evian, France



Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is one of the greatest injustices ever in the history of anything ever. Constrained by an open world design, budget, time, PS360, and written by the George Lucas of video games, I know now that MGSV was doomed from the start.

Poorly written, half realized and half baked. However enjoyable my over 400 hours of gameplay may have been, I cannot give this game any rating above ZERO because it is literally unfinished.

Final Score: 0/10




this review is equipped with a VISUAL AID

definitely a different experience from a digiornos pizza.

the crust was almost like a chicago style crust, a literal pizza pie.

 when i took a bite, it gave way and broke off easily, not chewy crust at all

the texture of the crust wasnt anything to write home about, but it wasnt bad

overall, if it was on sale, i’d probably get it again


additional: the pepperoni pizza from digiornos fucking SUCKED